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11 books added

Kimberly Unger

Kimberly Unger is the acclaimed author of the virtual reality science-fiction thriller Nucleation. Unger made her first videogame back when the 80-column card was the new hot thing, and followed that up with degrees in English/Writing from UC Davis and Illustration from the Art Center College of Design. Nowadays she produces virtual reality narrative-games, lectures on the intersection of art and code for UCSC's master's program, and writes science fiction about how all these app-driven superpowers are going to change the human race.

(Tl;dr - Unger writes about fast robots, big explosions, and space things.)

Kimberly Unger lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she works in the future of VR on the Oculus platform.

Awards: Dick (2022)

Genres: Science Fiction
   Nucleation (2020)
   The Extractionist (2022)
Novellas and Short Stories
Kimberly Unger recommends
Flight & Anchor (2023)
Nicole Kornher-Stace
"Nicole Kornher-Stace's Flight & Anchor pulls you along with the speed of a dystopian freight train. Taking the weaponized childhoods of kids like Ender and blending in a touch of Hanna-style rebellion against the mother organization, Kornher-Stace draws you into a story not only of survival but of calculated surrender to drive the best possible outcome."

Books containing stories by Kimberly Unger
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 57 (2022)
July 2022
(Galaxy's Edge Magazine, book 57)
edited by
Lezli Robyn
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 41 (2019)
November 2019
(Galaxy's Edge Magazine, book 41)
edited by
Mike Resnick
Galaxy's Edge Magazine: Issue 16 (2015)
September 2015
(Galaxy's Edge Magazine, book 16)
edited by
Mike Resnick

2022 Philip K Dick Award : The Extractionist

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