Rose Epton
A Pinch of Snuff (1974)
Crime upon Crime (1980)
Double Jeopardy (1981)
Goddess of Death (1982)
A Party to Murder (1983)
Death in Camera (1984)
The Hidden Man (1985)
Death at Deepwood Grange (1986)
The Uninvited Corpse (1987)
The Injudicious Judge (1987)
Dual Enigma (1988)
A Compelling Case (1989)
Rosa's Dilemma (1990)
A Dangerous Business (1990)
The Seeds of Murder (1991)
Guilty Conscience (1992)
Crime upon Crime (1980)
Double Jeopardy (1981)
Goddess of Death (1982)
A Party to Murder (1983)
Death in Camera (1984)
The Hidden Man (1985)
Death at Deepwood Grange (1986)
The Uninvited Corpse (1987)
The Injudicious Judge (1987)
Dual Enigma (1988)
A Compelling Case (1989)
Rosa's Dilemma (1990)
A Dangerous Business (1990)
The Seeds of Murder (1991)
Guilty Conscience (1992)
Genre Pages