The Ultraviolet Sky (1988)
Naked Ladies (1994)
Luna's California Poppies (2002)
Song of the Golden Scorpion (2013)
Naked Ladies (1994)
Luna's California Poppies (2002)
Song of the Golden Scorpion (2013)
Planet, with Mother, May I? (poems) (1992)
Weeping Woman (1994)
Desire (poems) (1998)
Vida (poems) (2002)
Soft Chaos (poems) (2008)
Gracias (poems) (2015)
Weeping Woman (1994)
Desire (poems) (1998)
Vida (poems) (2002)
Soft Chaos (poems) (2008)
Gracias (poems) (2015)
Alma Luz Villanueva recommends
Josie and Vic (2023)
Debra Thomas
"Josie and Vic encompasses personal love, human love beyond borders, and, ultimately, global love, as Madre Tierra's Turtle Islands slowly move together to create a new Pangaea. A new form and a new hope-the future reimagined."