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314 books added

Charles Veley

Father of Anna Elliott

Charles Veley has loved Sherlock Holmes since boyhood. During one year, he read the entire canon to his then-ten-year-old daughter at evening story time. He is also a fan of Gilbert & Sullivan, and wrote "The Pirates of Finance," a new musical in the G&S tradition that won an award at the New York Musical Theatre Festival in 2013. Other than "The Last Moriarty" and "The Wilhelm Conspiracy," all the books on his Amazon Author Page were written when he was a full-time author during the late Seventies and early Eighties. He currently works for United Technologies Corporation, where his main focus is on creating sustainability and value for the company's large real estate development projects.

Genres: Historical Mystery
Sherlock and Lucy Mystery
   1. The Last Moriarty (2014)
   2. The Wilhelm Conspiracy (2016)
   3. Remember, Remember (2017) (with Anna Elliott)
   4. The Crown Jewel Mystery (2017) (with Anna Elliott)
   5. The Jubilee Problem (2017) (with Anna Elliott)
   6. Death at the Diogenes Club (2017) (with Anna Elliott)
   7. The Return of the Ripper (2018) (with Anna Elliott)
   8. Die Again, Mr. Holmes (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   9. Flynn's Christmas (2018) (with Anna Elliott)
   10. The Clown on the High Wire (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   11. The Cobra in the Monkey Cage (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   12. A Fancy-Dress Death (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   13. The Sons of Helios (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   14. The Vanishing Medium (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   15. Christmas at Baskerville Hall (2019) (with Anna Elliott)
   The Sherlock Holmes and Lucy James Stories (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   16. Watson on the Orient Express (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   17. Kidnapped at the Tower (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   18. Five Pink Ladies (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   19. The Solitary Witness (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   20. The Body in the Bookseller's (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   21. The Curse of Cleopatra's Needle (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   22. The Coded Blue Envelope (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   23. Christmas on the Nile (2020) (with Anna Elliott)
   24. The Missing Mariner (2021) (with Anna Elliott)
   25. Powder Island (2021) (with Anna Elliott)
   26. Murder at the Royal Observatory (2021) (with Anna Elliott)
   27. The Bloomsbury Guru (2021) (with Anna Elliott)
   28. Holmes takes a Holiday (2021) (with Anna Elliott)
   29. Holmes Picks a Winner (2021) (with Anna Elliott)
   30. Galahad's Castle (2022) (with Anna Elliott)
   31. The Loch Ness Horror (2022) (with Anna Elliott)
   32. The Adair Murders (2023) (with Anna Elliott)
   33. The Cornwall Mermaid (2023) (with Anna Elliott)
   34. Miss Nightingale's Gala (2024) (with Anna Elliott)
   35. The Affair of the Coronation Ball (2024) (with Anna Elliott)
   36. The Adventure of the Time Machine (2024) (with Anna Elliott)
   Catching Up (1977)
   Children of the Dark (1979)
   Night Whispers (1980)
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