With Aaron Kennedy out of the picture, it’s time for the women to shine. Camille St. Jude and Colette Richter are ready to lean into one another and build a new life. Colette is ready to focus her efforts into making the Killing Jar a successful venture, but Camille longs to continue the serial killer journey that she honed with the Boston Butcher,
Camille returns to her roots, ending lives with nothing but the dark of night and her Taser. As she embarks on new string of murders, her demons threaten to derail the relationship before it gets a chance to evolve from its previous hedonism into a stable partnership. While the couple attempts[ss1] to find their footing, Anton Frank, Jean Barber, and Clara Beach refuse to believe the reign of Boston’s most efficient and wicked murderer is over.
Even the slightest mistake could land the lovers behind bars to suffer under the weight of their violent delights.
With the wedding of Frank and Barber to plan and the never-ending threat of Boston crime, the Boston PD has their hands full and time is not be on their side.
Camille returns to her roots, ending lives with nothing but the dark of night and her Taser. As she embarks on new string of murders, her demons threaten to derail the relationship before it gets a chance to evolve from its previous hedonism into a stable partnership. While the couple attempts[ss1] to find their footing, Anton Frank, Jean Barber, and Clara Beach refuse to believe the reign of Boston’s most efficient and wicked murderer is over.
Even the slightest mistake could land the lovers behind bars to suffer under the weight of their violent delights.
With the wedding of Frank and Barber to plan and the never-ending threat of Boston crime, the Boston PD has their hands full and time is not be on their side.