From the front flap of this 274 page book: "Maggie McArn wanted more than anything else in the world to go up North and study medicine. But in the North Carolina of the 1880's it was not considered proper for young ladies to work, except as teachers. Furthermore, where would she get the money. In Maggie's large Scottish family it was only right that the boys have an education while the girls settled down and got married. And wouldn't young Marshall Elliott make her a fine husband. But Maggie disagreed with her family's ideas. It was gruff old Uncle Malcolm who offered to pay her way if she would prove her worth by earning the first hundred dollars herself and, furthermore, learn to control her hot temper. And so fourteen-year-old Maggie became Dr. Angus's assistant and went the rounds of his country practice with him, nursing all sorts of people and cases from little spoiled Victoria to the four McNair pickaninnies all down at once with measles. Somehow, though, the dollars didn't seem to come in fast enough, and many times Maggie became utterly discouraged about ever going to medical school. How it all turned out for her brings this gallant story to a superb conclusion." This vintage book is a classic that every reader will enjoy and be proud to own.
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