book cover of Ran


(The third book in the Oort Chronicles series)
A novel by

Told entirely from the point of view of an incipient spacefaring reptilian race whose two Apollo-like astronauts are abducted by space aliens (Humans). That's right—we're the aliens!

"RAN: A Civilization in Hiding is hard, mind-stretching science fiction of the highest order." Professor John B. Rosenman, Norfolk State University.

Humans and Asterians construct a huge starship,
Andromeda, and set out on a voyage of discovery to the Cold Spot in the Cosmic Microwave Background—first stop, the star Ran in the constellation Eridanus. They discover an incipient space-faring saurian civilization that has deliberately hidden itself from the rest of the galaxy, fearing the military might of the civilizations they have observed through their electronic transmissions. The voyagers are pulled into internal conflicts on the planet Arcan, first between two technologically advanced nations and then between them and a less advanced theocracy. When they eventually depart on their continuing voyage, they take a contingency of Arcans with them.

Genre: Science Fiction

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