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Suzie Wilde

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Suzie Wilde was born in Portsmouth in a flat that looked out over a graveyard towards the sea. She can still tell when the tide has turned. Her father, David Shackleton, told her they were related to the famous explorer and converted a lifeboat into a cabin cruiser called Freya. After one summer of adventure, Freya went out with the ice in a terrible winter and was never found.

Suzie studied English at UCL, where she studied Anglo-Saxon, and went on to teach 11-18 yr olds English and Drama. She has an MA in Creative Writing and now teaches it. She visits Iceland frequently for inspiration. The Book of Bera is her debut novel, Part One of a trilogy.

Book of Bera
   1. Sea Paths (2017)
   2. Obsidian (2019)
   3. Landfall (2023)

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