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26 books added

Nancy Yeager

aka Harper Cross

Nancy Yeager spent her early years longing to be an English countryside vet thanks to James Herriot's All Creatures Great and Small series, and an adventurist archaeologist like George Lucas's Indiana Jones character. After studying veterinary pre-med and earning an anthropology degree, she realized her true passion is story in all its forms. When Nancy's not writing, reading, or binge-watching story, she's often pursuing a physical challenge like studying Krav Maga or aspiring to achieve the perfect crow pose. She also spends her time drinking too much coffee, not enough red wine, and just the right amount of Bourbon. She lives in Maryland with her fabulous family, which includes some very spoiled rescue cats.

Genres: Historical Romance
Harrow's Finest Five
   0.5. Too Clever by Half (2018)
   1. One Kiss from Ruin (2019)
   2. Two Scandals Are Better Than One (2019)
   3. Third Husband's the Charm (2019)
   4. Four Corners of Heaven (2020)
   5. Five Ways to Seduce a Duke (2021)
     aka Five Ways
Novellas and Short Stories
Series contributed to
Lords and Ladies of St James
   2. Earls & Pearls (2023) (with others)
Picture Books show

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