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22 books added

Joe Zieja

Joe Zieja is an author (duh) with a long history of doing things that have almost nothing to do with writing at all.  A graduate of the United States Air Force Academy, Joe dedicated over a decade of his life to wearing The Uniform, marching around in circles and shouting commands at people while in turn having commands shouted at him.  It was both a great deal of fun and a great nuisance, and  he wouldn't have had it any other way.

In spite of/due in a large part to his military career, Joe has published over a dozen works in print and on the web, a complete list of which is available up there in the menu bar.  His first novel, MECHANICAL FAILURE, is due to hit stores on June 7th, 2015, in which he pokes an awful lot of fun at his military days. 
Continuing in the theme of being a jack (or jill, lets not be sexist) of all trades, he's also a  professional  voice actor and a composer of fine musics for video games and commercials.  He's probably interrupted your Pandora playlist at least once to encourage you to click on the banner below and isn't the least bit upset that you ignored him.

Genres: Science Fiction
   1. Mechanical Failure. (2016)
   2. Communication Failure (2017)
   3. System Failure (2019)

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