60 books added

Mikayla Davids

I'll let you into a little secret... Mikayla Davids isn't my real name, it's just the pen name I write under. I could be the person sitting opposite you on the train, furiously tapping away at a laptop, or the woman scribbling in a notebook on the table beside you in Starbucks. Everyone has their secrets. And this is mine.

But I will tell you I've lived and breathed fictional worlds all my life. I've been the child who spent hours in the library, the teenager who stayed up turning pages way into the night. Now I'm the secret writer.

I write psychological thrillers about family dramas, complicated relationships and ordinary moments that can suddenly turn into nightmares.

I hope you've been gripped and entertained by my novels. I'd love to hear from you if so, you can contact me across any of the social media pages linked below. If you'd like to hear more about my books, you can subscribe to my mailing list on my website.

Website: https://mikayladavids.wixsite.com/mikayladavidsbooks

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MikaylaDBooks

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Mikayla-Davids-Books/100087612423864/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikayladavidsbooks/

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/23035621.Mikayla_Davids

Genres: Mystery
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The Secret Marriage

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