book cover of To Be a Gentleman

To Be a Gentleman

(The second book in the Herefordshire series)
A novel by

Timothy didn’t mean to kill her husband. It was self-defense. But now Mrs. Cockburn is all alone, in America, with an infant, and no means to support herself or her son.
“Return to England with me,” he urges her. Being financially strapped himself, it is a rash offer, but his unexplainable need to take care of her runs deep.
Pretending to be married, so as to share a cabin and afford passage, they set sail for each other’s homeland. What neither plans on, is how their pretend marriage ends up being much better than their actual lives.
But there are two problems: Timothy has a girl back home, waiting for his return and subsequent marriage. And Beatrice, he discovers, is a runaway daughter of a baron. And Timothy…he is merely a steward of a struggling estate.

Genre: Romance

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