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Eliot Fintushel

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Eliot Fintushel began his professional acting career at thirty, at a mime theater in upstate New York. In return for mopping, he was allowed to study, and later to perform, with all the great dancers, mimes, puppeteers, actors, mask performers, and storytellers who did shows at that theater. Since then, he has received the NEA Solo Performer Fellowship twice, along with many grants for creating and touring shows from arts councils and foundations on both coasts. You may see him in a plaster-spattered apron, casting faces on street corners in his current project (Faces of Sonoma County), funded by the Sonoma County Cultural Arts Council. Eliot has performed nearly four thousand solo shows at schools, theaters, and community centers, including solo performances at the National Theater in Washington DC and at various international festivals. An adjunct theater professor at the Santa Rosa JC, Eliot's new novel, Breakfast With The Ones You Love, will be appearing from Bantam/Dell in the fall of 2006. His short fiction can be found in many science fiction magazines and anthologies.

Books containing stories by Eliot Fintushel
The Anthology From Hell (2012)
Humorous Tales from WAY Down Under
edited by
Julia S Mandela
People of the Book (2010)
A Decade of Jewish Science Fiction & Fantasy
edited by
Rachel Swirsky and Sean Wallace
Last Drink Bird Head (2009)
A Flash Fiction Anthology for Charity
edited by
Ann Vandermeer and Jeff VanderMeer

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Award nominations
2008 Locus Award for Best First Novel (nominee) : Breakfast with the Ones You Love
2001 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Milo and Sylvie
1999 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Crane Fly
1998 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Izzy and the Father of Terror
1998 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Izzy and the Father of Terror

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