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39 books added

Gemma Files

Canada (b.1968)

Gemma Files is a Canadian horror writer, journalist, and film critic. Her short story, "The Emperor's Old Bones", won the International Horror Guild Award for Best Short Story of 1999. Five of her short stories were adapted for the television series The Hunger.

Awards: Stoker (2021)  see all

Genres: Horror
   1. A Book of Tongues (2010)
   2. A Rope of Thorns (2011)
   3. A Tree of Bones (2012)
   Kissing Carrion (2003)
   The Worm In Every Heart (2006)
   Spectral Evidence (2018)
   Haunted are These Houses (2018) (with others)
   Drawn Up from Deep Places (2018)
   In that Endlessness, Our End (2021)
   Dark is Better (2023)
   Blood from the Air (2023)
Gemma Files recommends
Boys in the Valley (2023)
Philip Fracassi
"Philip Fracassi amazes and inspires me. Full stop."
Velocities (2020)
Kathe Koja
"Velocities is prime Kathe Koja, with all that that entails: supercharged, dense as hell, oblique, glorious. Every story is a lesson in how to write faster, more intensely, from angles other people never seem to think of: industrial poetry, word mosaics like insect eyes, multifoliate as the insides of flowers, every image a scattered, burrowing seed, spreading narrative like a disease. I’ve loved her work since long before I ever aspired to produce anything like it—in fact, I’m still not sure anyone else is capable of doing what she does, of coming close, let alone hitting the mark. But damn, it’s equally so much fun to admire the result as it is to even vaguely try."
Will Haunt You (2019)
Brian Kirk
"A genuinely weird and powerful vision, Will Haunt You delivers on its titular boast, in spades."

More recommendations 

Books containing stories by Gemma Files
Playlist of the Damned (2024)
edited by
Willow Becker and Jess Landry
The Dagon Collection (2024)
edited by
Nate Pedersen
The Best Horror of the Year Volume 15 (2024)
(Best Horror of the Year, book 15)
edited by
Ellen Datlow

More books 

2021 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection : In that Endlessness, Our End

Award nominations
2023 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection (nominee) : Blood from the Air
2018 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection (nominee) : Spectral Evidence
2010 Bram Stoker Award for Superior Achievement in a First Novel (nominee) : A Book of Tongues

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