You're living your life. Suddenly, you're in a position where you can't speak or act for yourself. Do authorities know your emergency contact? How to reach them? Do your loved ones know what to do? Where to find things needed to assist you? I found myself in this position, and quickly realized that my family didn't have quick and easy access to information I considered ordinary and everyday. It was--to me, because I worked with it. It wasn't to them. So to spare us all anxiety, I created this workbook. And then I thought that if my family didn't know what they needed to know, it was likely other families didn't either, and, let's face it, we might not want to know these things but when we need to know, we need to know--now. The simple truth is we don't know what we don't know, and none of us need more anxiety when we're already in stressful and vulnerable situations. I created this fill-in-the-blanks workbook to help avoid that stress. It's comforting to my family and to me, and I hope it will be to you and your family, too.
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