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95 books added

Roger Longrigg

UK flag (1929 - 2000)

aka Megan Barker, Grania Beckford, Laura Black, Ivor Drummond, Rosalind Erskine, Frank Parrish, Domini Taylor

Roger Longrigg was born into a military family in 1939. He joined an advertising agency in 1955 and his first novel, A HIGH PITCHED BUZZ, was based on his experiences there. He subsequently went on to write 55 novels under 8 different noms de plums, revelling in the challenge and diversity each individual identity afforded him. Extraordinarily, he achieved success within every category he turned his pen to. He was married to writer Jane Chichester and had three daughters. He died in 2000.

Jennifer Norrington (as by Ivor Drummond)
   1. The Man With The Tiny Head (1969)
   2. The Priests Of The Abomination (1970)
   3. The Frog In The Moonflower (1972)
   4. The Jaws Of The Watchdog (1973)
   5. The Power Of The Bug (1974)
   6. Tank Of Sacred Eels (1976)
   7. The Necklace Of Skulls (1977)
   8. A Stench Of Poppies (1978)
   9. The Diamonds Of Loretta (1980)
Dan Mallett (as by Frank Parrish)
   1. Fire In The Barley (1977)
   2. Sting Of The Honeybee (1979)
   3. Snare In The Dark (1981)
   4. Bait On The Hook (1983)
   5. Face At The Window (1984)
     aka Death In The Rain
   6. Fly In The Cobweb (1986)
   7. Caught In The Birdlime (1987)
     aka Bird In The Net
   8. Voices From The Dark (1993)
   Switchboard (1957)
   Wrong Number (1959)
   Daughters of Mulberry (1961)
   A High-pitched Buzz (1962)
   The Passion Flower Hotel (1962) (as by Rosalind Erskine)
   The Paper Boats (1963)
   Love Among the Bottles (1967)
   The Sun On The Water (1969)
   The Desperate Criminals (1971)
   The Jevington System (1973)
   The Turf (1975)
   Their Pleasing Sport (1975)
   The Babe in the Wood (1976)
   Glendraco (1977) (as by Laura Black)
   Ravenburn (1978) (as by Laura Black)
   Castle Raven (1978) (as by Laura Black)
   Wild Cat (1979) (as by Laura Black)
   Touch the Fire (1979) (as by Grania Beckford)
   Virtues & Vices (1981) (as by Grania Beckford)
   Strathgallant (1981) (as by Laura Black)
   Catch the Fire (1981) (as by Grania Beckford)
   Bad Bet (1982)
   Black-Eyed Susan (1982) (as by Megan Barker)
   Outcross (1982)
   Mother Love (1983) (as by Domini Taylor)
   Gemini (1984) (as by Domini Taylor)
   Albany (1984) (as by Laura Black)
   Falls Of Gard (1986) (as by Laura Black)
   Suffer Little Children (1987) (as by Domini Taylor)
     aka Teacher's Pet
   Praying Mantis (1988) (as by Domini Taylor)
   Siege (1989) (as by Domini Taylor)
   Not Fair (1992) (as by Domini Taylor)
   The Eye Behind the Curtain (1993) (as by Domini Taylor)
   The Tiffany Lamp (1994) (as by Domini Taylor)
   Pig in the Middle (1996) (as by Domini Taylor)
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