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Ursula K Le Guin

(Ursula Kroeber Le Guin)
USA flag (1929 - 2018)

Ursula Le Guin won many awards, including a National Book Award, a Pushcart Prize, the Harold D. Vursell Memorial Award of the American Academy of Arts and Letters, a Newbery Honor and the World Fantasy Award For Life Achievement.

Awards: NBA (2014), Nebula (2008), WFA (2002), PEN (2002)  see all

Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Children's Fiction, Young Adult Fantasy
Wind's Twelve Quarters
   April in Paris (1962)
   Darkness Box (1963)
   The Masters (1963)
   Semley's Necklace (1964)
   The Rule of Names (1964)
   The Word of Unbinding (1964)
   Winter's King (1969)
   A Trip to the Head (1970)
   The Good Trip (1970)
   Things (1970)
   Vaster than Empires and More Slow (1971)
   The Field of Vision (1973)
   The Stars Below (1973)
   Direction of the Road (1974)
   The Day Before the Revolution (1974)
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Hainish Cycle
   1. Rocannon's World (1966)
   2. Planet of Exile (1966)
   3. City of Illusions (1967)
   4. The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)
   5. The Dispossessed (1974)
   6. The Word for World Is Forest (1976)
   7. Four Ways to Forgiveness (1995)
   8. The Telling (2000)
   The Hainish Novels and Stories (2017)
   1. A Wizard of Earthsea (1968)
   2. The Tombs of Atuan (1970)
   3. The Farthest Shore (1972)
   4. Tehanu (1990)
   Earthsea Revisioned (1993)
   5. Tales from Earthsea (2001)
   6. The Other Wind (2001)
   6.5. The Daughter of Odren (2014)
   Orsinian Tales (1975)
   Malafrena (1979)
   The Complete Orsinia (2016)
   Orsinia (2017)
   1. Catwings (1988)
   2. Catwings Return (1989)
   3. Wonderful Alexander and the Catwings (1994)
   4. Jane On Her Own (1992)
   Tales of the Catwings (1996)
   More Tales of the Catwings (2000)
   5. Cat Dreams (2009)
Chronicles of the Western Shore
   1. Gifts (2004)
   2. Voices (2006)
   3. Powers (2007)
   The Lathe of Heaven (1971)
   Very Far Away from Anywhere Else (1976)
     aka A Very Long Way from Anywhere Else
   The Eye of the Heron (1978)
   The Beginning Place (1980)
     aka Threshold
   Always Coming Home (1985)
   Searoad (1991)
   A Ride on the Red Mare's Back (1992)
   Lavinia (2008)
   Wild Angels (poems) (1975)
   The Wind's Twelve Quarters (1975)
   Walking in Cornwall (poems) (1976)
   Hard Words (poems) (1981)
   The Compass Rose (1982)
   In the Red Zone (poems) (1983)
   Wild Oats and Fireweed (poems) (1988)
   Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences (1988)
   The Visionary, Wonders Hidden (1988) (with Scott Russell Sanders)
   The Earthsea Quartet (1993)
   Blue Moon over Thurman Street (poems) (1993)
   Science Fiction Stories (1994)
   Going Out With Peacocks (poems) (1994)
   A Fisherman of the Inland Sea (1994)
   Unlocking the Air (1996)
   Sixty Odd (poems) (1999)
   The Birthday of the World (2002)
   Incredible Good Fortune (poems) (2006)
   Out Here (poems) (2010)
   Finding My Elegy (poems) (2012)
   Changing Planes (2014)
   The Wind's Twelve Quarters and The Compass Rose (2015)
   Late in the Day: Poems 2010 - 2014 (poems) (2015)
   Poems from the Book of Hours (poems) (2016) (with Babette Deutsch and Rainer Maria Rilke)
   The Found and the Lost (2016)
   The Selected Short Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin (2016)
   Five Ways to Forgiveness (2017)
   So Far, So Good (poems) (2018)
   Collected Poems (poems) (2023)
Novellas and Short Stories
   The Water Is Wide (1976)
   Leese Webster (1979)
   Gwilan's Harp (1981)
   Solomon Leviathan's 931st Trip Around the World (1983)
   The Visionary (1984)
   Nine Lives (1992)
   The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas (1992)
   Buffalo Gals (1994)
   The Shobies' Story (1998)
   Dangerous People (2019)
Anthologies edited
   The Altered I (1978) (with Lee Harding)
   Edges (1980) (with Virginia Kidd)
   Interfaces (1980) (with Virginia Kidd)
   The Norton Book of Science Fiction (1993) (with Brian Attebery)
Picture Books show
Non fiction show
Omnibus editions show
Books containing stories by Ursula K Le Guin
Sense of Wonder (2023)
A Century of Science Fiction
edited by
Leigh Ronald Grossman
The Future Is Female! Volume Two (2022)
(Future Is Female!, book 2)
edited by
Lisa Yaszek

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2018 Locus Award for Best Collection : The Hainish Novels and Stories
2014 DCAL Medal
2009 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel : Lavinia
2008 Nebula Award for Best Novel : Powers
2004 Locus Award for Best Collection : Changing Planes
2003 Damon Knight Memorial Grand Master Award
2002 World Fantasy Award for Best Novel : The Other Wind
2002 PEN/Malamud Award
2002 Locus Award for Best Novella : The Finder
2002 Locus Award for Best Collection : Tales from Earthsea
2001 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel : The Telling
1999 Robert Kirsch Award
1996 Locus Award for Best Collection : Four Ways to Forgiveness
1995 World Fantasy Award for Lifetime Achievement
1995 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award : Forgiveness Day
1995 Nebula Award for Best Novelette : Solitude
1995 Locus Award for Best Novella : Forgiveness Day
1991 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel : Tehanu
1990 Nebula Award for Best Novel : Tehanu
1988 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella : Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight
1988 Hugo Award for Best Novelette : Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight
1983 Locus Award for Best Collection : The Compass Rose
1975 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel : The Dispossessed
1975 Hugo Award for Best Novel : The Dispossessed
1974 Nebula Award for Best Short Story : The Day Before the Revolution
1974 Nebula Award for Best Novel : The Dispossessed
1974 Hugo Award for Best Short Story : The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas [short story]
1973 Hugo Award for Best Novella : The Word for World is Forest [short story]
1972 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel : The Lathe of Heaven
1970 Hugo Award for Best Novel : The Left Hand of Darkness
1969 Nebula Award for Best Novel : The Left Hand of Darkness

Award nominations
2017 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Found and the Lost
2017 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Complete Orsinia: Malafrena / Orsinian Tales / Other Tales
2015 Locus Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Jar of Water
2013 World Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Unreal and the Real
2013 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Unreal and the Real
2009 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature (nominee) : Lavinia
2009 BSFA Award for Best Novel (nominee) : Lavinia
2003 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : The Wild Girls
2003 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : The Seasons of the Ansarac
2003 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Paradises Lost
2003 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : The Birthday of the World: And Other Stories
2003 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Wild Girls
2003 British Fantasy Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Tales from Earthsea
2002 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Finder
2002 Nebula Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Other Wind
2002 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Adult Literature (nominee) : The Other Wind
2002 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : The Other Wind
2002 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : The Bones of the Earth
2001 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : The Birthday of the World: And Other Stories
2001 Nebula Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Other Wind
2000 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Old Music and the Slave Women
1999 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Dragonfly
1999 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Dragonfly
1997 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction (nominee) : Unlocking the Air: And Other Stories
1997 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Unlocking the Air: And Other Stories
1997 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Mountain Ways
1996 World Fantasy Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Ether, OR
1996 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Woman's Liberation
1996 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Woman's Liberation
1996 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Man of the People
1996 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Woman's Liberation
1996 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : A Man of the People
1995 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Another Story or A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
1995 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : A Fisherman of the Inland Sea
1995 Hugo Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Forgiveness Day
1995 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Matter of Seggri
1994 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Forgiveness Day
1994 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Matter of Seggri
1991 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award (nominee) : Tehanu
1990 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Shobies Story
1988 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award (nominee) : Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight
1988 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight
1988 Locus Award for Best Collection (nominee) : Buffalo Gals and Other Animal Presences
1987 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Buffalo Gals, Won't You Come Out Tonight
1986 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award (nominee) : Always Coming Home
1986 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : Always Coming Home
1985 National Book Award for Fiction (shortlist) : Always Coming Home
1983 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Sur
1981 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award (nominee) : The Beginning Place
1981 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : The Beginning Place
1980 Locus Award for Best Fantasy Novel (nominee) : Malafrena
1979 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Pathways of Desire
1979 Locus Award for Best Science Fiction Novel (nominee) : The Eye of the Heron
1977 Locus Award for Best Anthology (nominee) : Nebula Award Stories 11
1977 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Diary of the Rose
1976 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The Diary of the Rose
1976 Hugo Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The New Atlantis
1975 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : The New Atlantis
1975 John W. Campbell Memorial Award (nominee) : The Dispossessed
1975 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : The Day Before the Revolution
1973 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award (nominee) : The Farthest Shore
1973 Locus Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Word for World Is Forest
1972 Newbery Medal (nominee) : The Tombs of Atuan
1972 Nebula Award for Best Novella (nominee) : The Word for World is Forest [short story]
1972 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award (nominee) : The Tombs of Atuan
1972 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Vaster than Empires and More Slow
1972 Hugo Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Lathe of Heaven
1971 Nebula Award for Best Novel (nominee) : The Lathe of Heaven
1970 Hugo Award for Best Short Story (nominee) : Winter's King
1969 Nebula Award for Best Novelette (nominee) : Nine Lives [short story]

Ursula K Le Guin recommends
Interlibrary Loan (2020)
(Borrowed Man, book 2)
Gene Wolfe
"Wolfe is our Melville."
The Little Animals (2019)
Sarah Tolmie
"...vibrant with life and activity, fascinating in its strangeness and its familiarity."
Ambiguity Machines: and Other Stories (2018)
Vandana Singh
"A most promising and original young writer."

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