Home Farm Twins
Sinbad the Runaway (1996)
Speckle the Stray (1996)
Solo the Homeless (1996)
Susie the Orphan (1996)
Snip and Snap the Truants (1996)
Spike the Tramp (1996)
Sunny the Hero (1997)
Socks the Survivor (1997)
Stevie the Rebel (1997)
Samson the Giant (1997)
Scruffy the Scamp (1997)
Sorrel the Substitute (1998)
Skye the Champion (1998)
Sugar and Spice the Pickpockets (1998)
Sophie the Show-off (1998)
Sultan the Patient (1999)
Silky the Foundling (1999)
Scott the Braveheart (1999)
Spot the Prisoner (1999)
Shelley the Shadow (1999)
Speckle and Solo (1999)
Star the Surprise (1999)
Speckle the Stray (1996)
Solo the Homeless (1996)
Susie the Orphan (1996)
Snip and Snap the Truants (1996)
Spike the Tramp (1996)
Sunny the Hero (1997)
Socks the Survivor (1997)
Stevie the Rebel (1997)
Samson the Giant (1997)
Scruffy the Scamp (1997)
Sorrel the Substitute (1998)
Skye the Champion (1998)
Sugar and Spice the Pickpockets (1998)
Sophie the Show-off (1998)
Sultan the Patient (1999)
Silky the Foundling (1999)
Scott the Braveheart (1999)
Spot the Prisoner (1999)
Shelley the Shadow (1999)
Speckle and Solo (1999)
Star the Surprise (1999)