James Gunn (as by John Delaney)
1. Deadly Stranger (1976)
2. Silver for a Bullet (1976)
3. Hard Bounty (1976)
4. Blood Brand (1977)
1. Deadly Stranger (1976)
2. Silver for a Bullet (1976)
3. Hard Bounty (1976)
4. Blood Brand (1977)
The Battle Done (1958)
Vengeance for Water Valley (1961)
12 Platoon (1962)
Both Feet In Hell (1962)
Drygulch Valley (1962)
Not For Glory (1962)
Gunsmoke Pay-Off (1963)
Long Trail (1963)
aka Law of the Holster
Rough Justice (1963)
aka Bullets At Dry Creek
Bitter Valley (1964) (as by J D Stevens)
Black Sundown (1964) (as by Frank Shaul)
Blood in the Dust (1964) (as by Lewis Brant)
Boss of Bender County (1964) (as by Bart Segundo)
Danger Trail (1964) (as by Neil Webb)
Dark Prairie (1964) (as by Lewis Brant)
Empty Saddles (1964)
Gunsmoke Law (1964) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Kingdom of Grass (1964) (as by Charles Field)
Lonely Star (1964)
Rogue Rancher (1964) (as by Will Travers)
Vengeance Gun (1964) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun Crazy (1965) (as by Will Travers)
Gunsmoke Pass (1965) (as by Rick Walters)
Hard to Kill (1965) (as by Lewis Brant)
Hell Raisers (1965) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Quick On the Draw (1965) (as by John Dryden)
Raw Deal (1965) (as by Oliver Bronson)
Rope Branded (1965) (as by Neil Webb)
Saddle-tramp (1965) (as by Charles Field)
Showdown at Singing Springs (1965)
Star Brand Killer (1965) (as by Charles Field)
Thunder Canyon (1965) (as by Neil Webb)
Trail Fever (1965) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Twisted Trail (1965) (as by J D Stevens)
Wide-loop Range (1965) (as by John Dryden)
Shoot First (1965) (as by Lewis Brant)
Back Trail (1966) (as by Chuck Mason)
Big Saddle (1966) (as by Neil Webb)
Bitter Round-Up (1966) (as by Lewis Brant)
Bleak Range (1966) (as by Henry Lansing)
Brave Star (1966) (as by Chuck Buchanan)
Cattleman's Creed (1966) (as by Oliver Bronson)
Corpse Maker (1966) (as by Alvin Porter)
Crossfire (1966)
Draw or Die (1966) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Forked Trail (1966) (as by Jack Bassett)
Gold fever (1966) (as by Will Travers)
Greenhorn Gun (1966) (as by Burt Kroll)
Gun Shy (1966) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Gunhand (1966) (as by Lewis Brant)
Gunman Notorious (1966) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gunshot Pay-off (1966) (as by Lewis Brant)
Hard Ridden (1966) (as by John Dryden)
Heartbreak Range (1966) (as by J D Stevens)
Hell-bent (1966) (as by Wesley Craille)
High stakes (1966) (as by Neil Webb)
High, Wide and Handsome (1966) (as by Harvey Lant)
Lonesome Valley (1966) (as by Rod Caley)
Murder Range (1966)
Prairie Wolf (1966) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Range Fury (1966) (as by Harvey Lant)
Range Hog (1966) (as by William Brayce)
Riding high (1966) (as by Hank Madison)
Saddle Pard (1966) (as by Frank Shaul)
Shooting Trouble (1966) (as by Jack Bassett)
Short rope (1966) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Showdown (1966) (as by Will Travers)
Tight Rein (1966) (as by Norford Scott)
Trail End (1966) (as by Charles Field)
Trigger Help (1966) (as by Matt Rockwell)
Trigger Law (1966) (as by Neil Webb)
Wanted - Dead Or Alive (1966) (as by Hank Madison)
Water Rights (1966) (as by Burt Kroll)
Whip-hand (1966) (as by Norford Scott)
Wild Bunch (1966) (as by Rick Walters)
The Law Dealer (1966) (as by Charles Roscoe)
The Backshooter (1967) (as by Lewis Brant)
Bad Medicine (1967) (as by Harvey Lant)
Big Lonesome (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Bitter Feud (1967) (as by Alvin Porter)
Crooked Spurs (1967) (as by Alvin Porter)
Fighting Mad (1967) (as by Hank Madison)
Gun Fever (1967) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun lightning (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gun Rage (1967) (as by Harvey Lant)
Gun Rogues (1967)
Gun Trail (1967) (as by Lewis Brant)
Gunsmoke Creek (1967) (as by Jack Bassett)
Gunsmoke Legacy (1967) (as by Hank Madison)
Hell Branded (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Hungry Guns (1967) (as by Burt Kroll)
Kicking Horse valley (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Killer in the County (1967) (as by Hank Madison)
No Quarter (1967) (as by Jack Bassett)
Ride Hard - Shoot Fast (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Riding for a Fall (1967) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Riding Through (1967) (as by Alvin Porter)
Running Wild (1967) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Saddle Scum (1967) (as by Jack Bassett)
Saddled for Hell (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Shoot and Run (1967) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Vengeance of the Diamond M (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Killer Brand (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Big Tracks (1968) (as by Jack Bassett)
Coyate Trail (1968) (as by Burt Kroll)
Doctor Needs a Wife (1968) (as by Helen Berry)
Doctor of Decision (1968) (as by Lorna Page)
Doctor of the Heart (1968) (as by Annette Adams)
Doctors Destiny (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
Doctors Legacy (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
The Heart Healer (1968) (as by Annette Adams)
Highland Love (1968) (as by Helen Berry)
Island of Decision (1968) (as by Annette Adams)
Lawman Courageous (1968) (as by Frank Shaul)
Locum in Love (1968) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Love Thy Doctor (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Married to Medicine (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Mystery Clinic (1968) (as by Olive Patterson)
Nurse Inherits (1968) (as by Freda Fenton)
Occupation Nurse (1968) (as by Helen Berry)
Patient Lover (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Prescription for Love (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
Romantic Doctor (1968) (as by Irene Lynn)
Runaway Doctor (1968) (as by Olive Patterson)
Surgeon's Help (1968) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Surgeon's Honour (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
Ward Sister (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Where the Heart Lies (1968) (as by Helen Langley)
Death Wore Spurs (1969) (as by Clinton Spurr)
District Nurse (1969) (as by Freda Fenton)
Doctor Abroad (1969) (as by Freda Fenton)
Doctor in Doubt (1969) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Doctor's Inheritance (1969) (as by Freda Fenton)
Enchanted Nurse (1969) (as by Vera Craig)
Highland Nurse (1969) (as by Helen Berry)
Hospital Sister (1969) (as by Alison Bray)
Loving Nurse (1969) (as by Edna Murray)
Night Sister (1969) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Nurse Errant (1969) (as by Olive Patterson)
Nurse in Danger (1969) (as by Edna Murray)
Nurse in Jeopardy (1969) (as by Vera Craig)
The Nurse Investigates (1969) (as by Lorna Page)
Overseas Nurse (1969) (as by Sarah Vine)
Part-time Nurse (1969) (as by Vera Craig)
Prescription for a Nurse (1969) (as by Alison Bray)
Slaughter Trail (1969) (as by Harvey Lant)
Temporary Nurse (1969) (as by Lorna Page)
Terror Law (1969) (as by Norford Scott)
Tropical Nurse (1969) (as by Irene Lynn)
Wayward Nurse (1969) (as by Helen Berry)
Case Nurse (1970) (as by Vera Craig)
Cruise Nurse (1970) (as by Edna Murray)
Doctor Duty (1970) (as by Irene Lynn)
Doctor in Bondage (1970) (as by Irene Lynn)
Doctor's Endeavour (1970) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Doctor's Prescription (1970) (as by Lorna Page)
Faithful Nurse (1970) (as by Edna Murray)
Fortunate Nurse (1970) (as by Lorna Page)
Impulsive Nurse (1970) (as by Freda Fenton)
Island Nurse (1970) (as by Edna Murray)
Nurse at Crag House (1970) (as by Alison Bray)
Poor Little Rich Nurse (1970) (as by Alison Bray)
Temptation Doctor (1970) (as by Olive Patterson)
Unselfish Nurse (1970) (as by Vera Craig)
aka The Love Barrier
Winged Nurse (1970) (as by Helen Berry)
Lover's Quest (1971) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse in Torment (1971) (as by Olive Patterson)
Doctor of the Isles (1971) (as by Donna Rix)
Ski Lift to Love (1971) (as by Valerie Scott)
Conflict of Love (1971) (as by Donna Rix)
Daughter of Destiny (1971) (as by Sharon Court)
For Love or Money (1971) (as by Janita Cleve)
Romantic Island (1971) (as by Karla Benton)
Enchanted Isle (1971) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse on Loan (1971) (as by Karla Benton)
Pathway to Love (1971) (as by Sharon Court)
Race to Love (1971) (as by Valerie Scott)
Love Thy Neighbour (1971) (as by Janita Cleve)
African Love Song (1971) (as by Janita Cleve)
Glen Hall (1972) (as by Vera Craig)
Doctor in Her Life (1972) (as by Valerie Scott)
Nurse Abroad (1972) (as by Karla Benton)
Surgical Nurse (1972) (as by Sharon Court)
Nurse at Pinewood (1972) (as by Janita Cleve)
Arizona Pay-off (1972) (as by Hank Madison)
Island of Desire (1972) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse in Need (1972) (as by Sharon Court)
Hell Star (1972) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gunsmoke Showdown (1972) (as by Burt Kroll)
Trigger Fever (1972) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun for Hire (1972) (as by Chuck Mason)
Nurse on Skis (1972) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Career Nurse (1972) (as by Donna Rix)
Dutiful Nurse (1972) (as by Sharon Court)
Heiress to Crag Castle (1973) (as by Minerva Rossetti)
Now and Forever (1973) (as by Vera Craig)
Bullet Proof (1973) (as by Neil Webb)
Killer Streak (1973) (as by John Dryden)
Man from Texas (1973) (as by Hank Madison)
Mysterious Nurse (1973) (as by Valerie Scott)
Nurse Courageous (1973) (as by Donna Rix)
Prairie City Pilgrim (1973)
Hangrope Fever (1973) (as by Chuck Mason)
Resident Nurse (1973) (as by Janita Cleve)
Heart of a Nurse (1973) (as by Donna Rix)
Pistol Range (1973) (as by Harvey Lant)
Wyoming Wild (1973) (as by Clinton Spurr)
The Straightshooter (1973) (as by Hank Madison)
Doubtful Nurse (1973) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse in Love (1973) (as by Karla Benton)
Quick Triggers (1973) (as by Chuck Mason)
Secretive Nurse (1973) (as by Valerie Scott)
Fighting Marshal (1973) (as by Harvey Lant)
Shoot on Sight (1973) (as by Burt Kroll)
Bleak Valley (1973) (as by Neil Webb)
Nurse in Clover (1973) (as by Donna Rix)
Range Rights (1973) (as by John Dryden)
The Ambusher (1973) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun Hell (1973) (as by Harvey Lant)
Despot in Space (1973)
Guns of Hate (1973) (as by Neil Webb)
Mocking Bird Creek (1973) (as by Burt Kroll)
Operation Omina (1973) (as by Roland Starr)
Carefree Doctor (1973) (as by Karla Benton)
The Loner (1973) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Land of Enchantment (1974) (as by Vera Craig)
Path of Peril (1974) (as by Vera Craig)
Gun Trap (1974) (as by Chuck Mason)
Omina Uncharted (1974) (as by Roland Starr)
The Wideloopers (1974) (as by John Dryden)
Dedicated Nurse (1974) (as by Valerie Scott)
Angry Guns (1974) (as by Harvey Lant)
Close Call (1974) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun Wolves (1974) (as by Neil Webb)
Fast-draw Law (1974) (as by Chuck Mason)
Broken-down Cowboy (1974) (as by Burt Kroll)
Crooked Brand (1974) (as by John Dryden)
Killer Law (1974) (as by Neil Webb)
Backlash (1974) (as by Chuck Mason)
Desperate Gun (1974) (as by Hank Madison)
Master of Space (1974)
Running Iron (1974) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Space Probe (1974) (as by Graham Garner)
Star Cluster Seven (1974) (as by Alex Random)
Star Quest (1974) (as by Fenton Brockley)
Lone Wolf Lawman (1974) (as by Burt Kroll)
Mansion Of Menace (1974) (as by Minerva Rossetti)
Range Grab (1974) (as by Harvey Lant)
Hell on Wheels (1975) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Space Crusader (1975) (as by Mark Suffling)
Gringo Basin (1975) (as by Lewis Brant)
Beyond Tomorrow (1975) (as by Roger Carlton)
Border Fury (1975) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Project Oceanus (1975) (as by Mark Suffling)
Trail of Death (1975) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Gunslick (1975) (as by Lewis Brant)
Star Arrow (1975) (as by Roger Carlton)
Cradle of Stars (1975) (as by Alex Random)
Dark Constellation (1975) (as by Alex Random)
Starfall Muta (1975) (as by Graham Garner)
Time Factor (1975) (as by Roland Starr)
Return from Omina (1976) (as by Roland Starr)
Frontier Law (1976) (as by Hank Madison)
Hostile Range (1976) (as by Neil Webb)
Space Venturer (1976)
Shale Creek Showdown (1976) (as by Lewis Brant)
Death in Oak Ridge (1976) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gun Wild (1976)
Nightmare Planet (1976)
Hell Tracks (1976) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Blood on the Saddle (1976) (as by Hank Madison)
Rifts of Time (1976) (as by Graham Garner)
Gun Handy (1977) (as by Neil Webb)
Trail to Boot Hill (1977) (as by Burt Kroll)
Heller from Texas (1977) (as by Chuck Mason)
Bullets at Sunset (1977) (as by Lewis Brant)
Trail of No Return (1977) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Die-hard Lawman (1977) (as by Alvin Porter)
Smoke of the .45 (1977) (as by Norford Scott)
Hell Town (1978) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Nurse in Conflict (1978) (as by Lorna Page)
Doctor in Her Heart (1978) (as by Valerie Scott)
Doctor's Daughter (1978) (as by Janita Cleve)
Doctor's Orders (1978) (as by Vera Craig)
Doctor from the Past (1978) (as by Donna Rix)
Impetuous Nurse (1978) (as by Alison Bray)
Patient Nurse (1979) (as by Janita Cleve)
Doctor's Dilemma (1979) (as by Valerie Scott)
Nurse in Charge (1979) (as by Lorna Page)
Reluctant Doctor (1979) (as by Alison Bray)
Love in Ward Two (1979) (as by Vera Craig)
Nurse in the Glen (1979) (as by Donna Rix)
Hell Rider (1979) (as by Hank Madison)
Iron Rails (1979) (as by Bart Shane)
Nurse in the Clouds (1979) (as by Valerie Scott)
Hell on the Border (1979) (as by Harvey Lant)
Hair-Triggered (1979) (as by Lewis Brant)
Trials of a Nurse (1979) (as by Edna Murray)
Devil's Breed (1980) (as by Alvin Porter)
Duty Nurse (1980) (as by Irene Lynn)
Bloodthirsty Range (1980) (as by Lewis Brant)
Gun Wages (1980) (as by Burt Kroll)
Border Bandit (1980) (as by Norford Scott)
Railroad Marshal (1980) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Hell on the Range (1980) (as by Chuck Mason)
Lawless Range (1980) (as by Hank Madison)
Gun Boss (1980) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Rails West (1980) (as by Bart Shane)
Flaming Range (1981) (as by Burt Kroll)
Gunsmoke Marshal (1981) (as by Harvey Lant)
Hardcase Law (1981) (as by Neil Webb)
Killer Trail (1981) (as by Charles Roscoe)
The Rail Rogues (1981) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Sixgun Bait (1981) (as by Frank Shaul)
Gunsmoke and Rawhide (1981) (as by Alvin Porter)
Hard Range (1981) (as by Norford Scott)
Gun Thunder (1981) (as by Harvey Lant)
Gun Hatred (1981) (as by Neil Webb)
Gunman's Law (1981) (as by Chuck Mason)
Ambush Range (1981) (as by Burt Kroll)
Cowboy Law (1982) (as by Lewis Brant)
Hostile Hills (1982) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Range Justice (1982) (as by Alvin Porter)
Sixgun Showdown (1982) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Bullet Justice (1982) (as by Hank Madison)
Fight or Die (1982) (as by Burt Kroll)
Killer on the Range (1982) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Hard Law (1982) (as by Hank Madison)
Gun Wranglers (1982) (as by Norford Scott)
Crooked Trail (1982) (as by Chuck Mason)
Texas Ranger (1982) (as by Jack Bassett)
Tough Country (1982) (as by Rod Caley)
Railhead (1982) (as by Bart Shane)
Law Mender (1982) (as by Bart Segundo)
Troubled Law (1982) (as by Bart Segundo)
Lawless Gun (1983) (as by Lewis Brant)
Killing Trail (1983) (as by Alvin Porter)
Law of the Range (1983) (as by Hank Madison)
Trail to Hell (1983) (as by Will Travers)
Killer Marshal (1983) (as by Rod Caley)
Helicopter Nurse (1983) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Love Is a Doctor (1983) (as by Lorna Page)
One-way Trail (1983)
Nurse Hopeful (1983) (as by Freda Fenton)
Snake Breed (1983) (as by Burt Kroll)
Wild Country (1983) (as by Frank Shaul)
Fighting Men (1983) (as by Norford Scott)
Hanging Hill (1983)
Kingdom of Games (1983) (as by Charles Field)
Short Cut to Hell (1983) (as by Neil Webb)
Gunfight at Flintlock (1984) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gunsmoke in the Air (1984) (as by Charles Field)
Shooting Trail (1984) (as by Jack Bassett)
Undercover Law (1984) (as by Chuck Mason)
Coyote Breed (1984) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Killer's Range (1984) (as by Oliver Bronson)
Violent Trail (1984)
Quicksilver Gun (1984) (as by Hank Madison)
The Troublemakers (1985) (as by Will Travers)
The Long Ride (2017) (as by Chuck Mason)
Vengeance for Water Valley (1961)
12 Platoon (1962)
Both Feet In Hell (1962)
Drygulch Valley (1962)
Not For Glory (1962)
Gunsmoke Pay-Off (1963)
Long Trail (1963)
aka Law of the Holster
Rough Justice (1963)
aka Bullets At Dry Creek
Bitter Valley (1964) (as by J D Stevens)
Black Sundown (1964) (as by Frank Shaul)
Blood in the Dust (1964) (as by Lewis Brant)
Boss of Bender County (1964) (as by Bart Segundo)
Danger Trail (1964) (as by Neil Webb)
Dark Prairie (1964) (as by Lewis Brant)
Empty Saddles (1964)
Gunsmoke Law (1964) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Kingdom of Grass (1964) (as by Charles Field)
Lonely Star (1964)
Rogue Rancher (1964) (as by Will Travers)
Vengeance Gun (1964) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun Crazy (1965) (as by Will Travers)
Gunsmoke Pass (1965) (as by Rick Walters)
Hard to Kill (1965) (as by Lewis Brant)
Hell Raisers (1965) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Quick On the Draw (1965) (as by John Dryden)
Raw Deal (1965) (as by Oliver Bronson)
Rope Branded (1965) (as by Neil Webb)
Saddle-tramp (1965) (as by Charles Field)
Showdown at Singing Springs (1965)
Star Brand Killer (1965) (as by Charles Field)
Thunder Canyon (1965) (as by Neil Webb)
Trail Fever (1965) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Twisted Trail (1965) (as by J D Stevens)
Wide-loop Range (1965) (as by John Dryden)
Shoot First (1965) (as by Lewis Brant)
Back Trail (1966) (as by Chuck Mason)
Big Saddle (1966) (as by Neil Webb)
Bitter Round-Up (1966) (as by Lewis Brant)
Bleak Range (1966) (as by Henry Lansing)
Brave Star (1966) (as by Chuck Buchanan)
Cattleman's Creed (1966) (as by Oliver Bronson)
Corpse Maker (1966) (as by Alvin Porter)
Crossfire (1966)
Draw or Die (1966) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Forked Trail (1966) (as by Jack Bassett)
Gold fever (1966) (as by Will Travers)
Greenhorn Gun (1966) (as by Burt Kroll)
Gun Shy (1966) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Gunhand (1966) (as by Lewis Brant)
Gunman Notorious (1966) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gunshot Pay-off (1966) (as by Lewis Brant)
Hard Ridden (1966) (as by John Dryden)
Heartbreak Range (1966) (as by J D Stevens)
Hell-bent (1966) (as by Wesley Craille)
High stakes (1966) (as by Neil Webb)
High, Wide and Handsome (1966) (as by Harvey Lant)
Lonesome Valley (1966) (as by Rod Caley)
Murder Range (1966)
Prairie Wolf (1966) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Range Fury (1966) (as by Harvey Lant)
Range Hog (1966) (as by William Brayce)
Riding high (1966) (as by Hank Madison)
Saddle Pard (1966) (as by Frank Shaul)
Shooting Trouble (1966) (as by Jack Bassett)
Short rope (1966) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Showdown (1966) (as by Will Travers)
Tight Rein (1966) (as by Norford Scott)
Trail End (1966) (as by Charles Field)
Trigger Help (1966) (as by Matt Rockwell)
Trigger Law (1966) (as by Neil Webb)
Wanted - Dead Or Alive (1966) (as by Hank Madison)
Water Rights (1966) (as by Burt Kroll)
Whip-hand (1966) (as by Norford Scott)
Wild Bunch (1966) (as by Rick Walters)
The Law Dealer (1966) (as by Charles Roscoe)
The Backshooter (1967) (as by Lewis Brant)
Bad Medicine (1967) (as by Harvey Lant)
Big Lonesome (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Bitter Feud (1967) (as by Alvin Porter)
Crooked Spurs (1967) (as by Alvin Porter)
Fighting Mad (1967) (as by Hank Madison)
Gun Fever (1967) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun lightning (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gun Rage (1967) (as by Harvey Lant)
Gun Rogues (1967)
Gun Trail (1967) (as by Lewis Brant)
Gunsmoke Creek (1967) (as by Jack Bassett)
Gunsmoke Legacy (1967) (as by Hank Madison)
Hell Branded (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Hungry Guns (1967) (as by Burt Kroll)
Kicking Horse valley (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Killer in the County (1967) (as by Hank Madison)
No Quarter (1967) (as by Jack Bassett)
Ride Hard - Shoot Fast (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Riding for a Fall (1967) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Riding Through (1967) (as by Alvin Porter)
Running Wild (1967) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Saddle Scum (1967) (as by Jack Bassett)
Saddled for Hell (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Shoot and Run (1967) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Vengeance of the Diamond M (1967) (as by Norford Scott)
Killer Brand (1967) (as by Chuck Mason)
Big Tracks (1968) (as by Jack Bassett)
Coyate Trail (1968) (as by Burt Kroll)
Doctor Needs a Wife (1968) (as by Helen Berry)
Doctor of Decision (1968) (as by Lorna Page)
Doctor of the Heart (1968) (as by Annette Adams)
Doctors Destiny (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
Doctors Legacy (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
The Heart Healer (1968) (as by Annette Adams)
Highland Love (1968) (as by Helen Berry)
Island of Decision (1968) (as by Annette Adams)
Lawman Courageous (1968) (as by Frank Shaul)
Locum in Love (1968) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Love Thy Doctor (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Married to Medicine (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Mystery Clinic (1968) (as by Olive Patterson)
Nurse Inherits (1968) (as by Freda Fenton)
Occupation Nurse (1968) (as by Helen Berry)
Patient Lover (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Prescription for Love (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
Romantic Doctor (1968) (as by Irene Lynn)
Runaway Doctor (1968) (as by Olive Patterson)
Surgeon's Help (1968) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Surgeon's Honour (1968) (as by Alison Bray)
Ward Sister (1968) (as by Edna Murray)
Where the Heart Lies (1968) (as by Helen Langley)
Death Wore Spurs (1969) (as by Clinton Spurr)
District Nurse (1969) (as by Freda Fenton)
Doctor Abroad (1969) (as by Freda Fenton)
Doctor in Doubt (1969) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Doctor's Inheritance (1969) (as by Freda Fenton)
Enchanted Nurse (1969) (as by Vera Craig)
Highland Nurse (1969) (as by Helen Berry)
Hospital Sister (1969) (as by Alison Bray)
Loving Nurse (1969) (as by Edna Murray)
Night Sister (1969) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Nurse Errant (1969) (as by Olive Patterson)
Nurse in Danger (1969) (as by Edna Murray)
Nurse in Jeopardy (1969) (as by Vera Craig)
The Nurse Investigates (1969) (as by Lorna Page)
Overseas Nurse (1969) (as by Sarah Vine)
Part-time Nurse (1969) (as by Vera Craig)
Prescription for a Nurse (1969) (as by Alison Bray)
Slaughter Trail (1969) (as by Harvey Lant)
Temporary Nurse (1969) (as by Lorna Page)
Terror Law (1969) (as by Norford Scott)
Tropical Nurse (1969) (as by Irene Lynn)
Wayward Nurse (1969) (as by Helen Berry)
Case Nurse (1970) (as by Vera Craig)
Cruise Nurse (1970) (as by Edna Murray)
Doctor Duty (1970) (as by Irene Lynn)
Doctor in Bondage (1970) (as by Irene Lynn)
Doctor's Endeavour (1970) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Doctor's Prescription (1970) (as by Lorna Page)
Faithful Nurse (1970) (as by Edna Murray)
Fortunate Nurse (1970) (as by Lorna Page)
Impulsive Nurse (1970) (as by Freda Fenton)
Island Nurse (1970) (as by Edna Murray)
Nurse at Crag House (1970) (as by Alison Bray)
Poor Little Rich Nurse (1970) (as by Alison Bray)
Temptation Doctor (1970) (as by Olive Patterson)
Unselfish Nurse (1970) (as by Vera Craig)
aka The Love Barrier
Winged Nurse (1970) (as by Helen Berry)
Lover's Quest (1971) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse in Torment (1971) (as by Olive Patterson)
Doctor of the Isles (1971) (as by Donna Rix)
Ski Lift to Love (1971) (as by Valerie Scott)
Conflict of Love (1971) (as by Donna Rix)
Daughter of Destiny (1971) (as by Sharon Court)
For Love or Money (1971) (as by Janita Cleve)
Romantic Island (1971) (as by Karla Benton)
Enchanted Isle (1971) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse on Loan (1971) (as by Karla Benton)
Pathway to Love (1971) (as by Sharon Court)
Race to Love (1971) (as by Valerie Scott)
Love Thy Neighbour (1971) (as by Janita Cleve)
African Love Song (1971) (as by Janita Cleve)
Glen Hall (1972) (as by Vera Craig)
Doctor in Her Life (1972) (as by Valerie Scott)
Nurse Abroad (1972) (as by Karla Benton)
Surgical Nurse (1972) (as by Sharon Court)
Nurse at Pinewood (1972) (as by Janita Cleve)
Arizona Pay-off (1972) (as by Hank Madison)
Island of Desire (1972) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse in Need (1972) (as by Sharon Court)
Hell Star (1972) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gunsmoke Showdown (1972) (as by Burt Kroll)
Trigger Fever (1972) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun for Hire (1972) (as by Chuck Mason)
Nurse on Skis (1972) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Career Nurse (1972) (as by Donna Rix)
Dutiful Nurse (1972) (as by Sharon Court)
Heiress to Crag Castle (1973) (as by Minerva Rossetti)
Now and Forever (1973) (as by Vera Craig)
Bullet Proof (1973) (as by Neil Webb)
Killer Streak (1973) (as by John Dryden)
Man from Texas (1973) (as by Hank Madison)
Mysterious Nurse (1973) (as by Valerie Scott)
Nurse Courageous (1973) (as by Donna Rix)
Prairie City Pilgrim (1973)
Hangrope Fever (1973) (as by Chuck Mason)
Resident Nurse (1973) (as by Janita Cleve)
Heart of a Nurse (1973) (as by Donna Rix)
Pistol Range (1973) (as by Harvey Lant)
Wyoming Wild (1973) (as by Clinton Spurr)
The Straightshooter (1973) (as by Hank Madison)
Doubtful Nurse (1973) (as by Elaine Vinson)
Nurse in Love (1973) (as by Karla Benton)
Quick Triggers (1973) (as by Chuck Mason)
Secretive Nurse (1973) (as by Valerie Scott)
Fighting Marshal (1973) (as by Harvey Lant)
Shoot on Sight (1973) (as by Burt Kroll)
Bleak Valley (1973) (as by Neil Webb)
Nurse in Clover (1973) (as by Donna Rix)
Range Rights (1973) (as by John Dryden)
The Ambusher (1973) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun Hell (1973) (as by Harvey Lant)
Despot in Space (1973)
Guns of Hate (1973) (as by Neil Webb)
Mocking Bird Creek (1973) (as by Burt Kroll)
Operation Omina (1973) (as by Roland Starr)
Carefree Doctor (1973) (as by Karla Benton)
The Loner (1973) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Land of Enchantment (1974) (as by Vera Craig)
Path of Peril (1974) (as by Vera Craig)
Gun Trap (1974) (as by Chuck Mason)
Omina Uncharted (1974) (as by Roland Starr)
The Wideloopers (1974) (as by John Dryden)
Dedicated Nurse (1974) (as by Valerie Scott)
Angry Guns (1974) (as by Harvey Lant)
Close Call (1974) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gun Wolves (1974) (as by Neil Webb)
Fast-draw Law (1974) (as by Chuck Mason)
Broken-down Cowboy (1974) (as by Burt Kroll)
Crooked Brand (1974) (as by John Dryden)
Killer Law (1974) (as by Neil Webb)
Backlash (1974) (as by Chuck Mason)
Desperate Gun (1974) (as by Hank Madison)
Master of Space (1974)
Running Iron (1974) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Space Probe (1974) (as by Graham Garner)
Star Cluster Seven (1974) (as by Alex Random)
Star Quest (1974) (as by Fenton Brockley)
Lone Wolf Lawman (1974) (as by Burt Kroll)
Mansion Of Menace (1974) (as by Minerva Rossetti)
Range Grab (1974) (as by Harvey Lant)
Hell on Wheels (1975) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Space Crusader (1975) (as by Mark Suffling)
Gringo Basin (1975) (as by Lewis Brant)
Beyond Tomorrow (1975) (as by Roger Carlton)
Border Fury (1975) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Project Oceanus (1975) (as by Mark Suffling)
Trail of Death (1975) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Gunslick (1975) (as by Lewis Brant)
Star Arrow (1975) (as by Roger Carlton)
Cradle of Stars (1975) (as by Alex Random)
Dark Constellation (1975) (as by Alex Random)
Starfall Muta (1975) (as by Graham Garner)
Time Factor (1975) (as by Roland Starr)
Return from Omina (1976) (as by Roland Starr)
Frontier Law (1976) (as by Hank Madison)
Hostile Range (1976) (as by Neil Webb)
Space Venturer (1976)
Shale Creek Showdown (1976) (as by Lewis Brant)
Death in Oak Ridge (1976) (as by Chuck Mason)
Gun Wild (1976)
Nightmare Planet (1976)
Hell Tracks (1976) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Blood on the Saddle (1976) (as by Hank Madison)
Rifts of Time (1976) (as by Graham Garner)
Gun Handy (1977) (as by Neil Webb)
Trail to Boot Hill (1977) (as by Burt Kroll)
Heller from Texas (1977) (as by Chuck Mason)
Bullets at Sunset (1977) (as by Lewis Brant)
Trail of No Return (1977) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Die-hard Lawman (1977) (as by Alvin Porter)
Smoke of the .45 (1977) (as by Norford Scott)
Hell Town (1978) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Nurse in Conflict (1978) (as by Lorna Page)
Doctor in Her Heart (1978) (as by Valerie Scott)
Doctor's Daughter (1978) (as by Janita Cleve)
Doctor's Orders (1978) (as by Vera Craig)
Doctor from the Past (1978) (as by Donna Rix)
Impetuous Nurse (1978) (as by Alison Bray)
Patient Nurse (1979) (as by Janita Cleve)
Doctor's Dilemma (1979) (as by Valerie Scott)
Nurse in Charge (1979) (as by Lorna Page)
Reluctant Doctor (1979) (as by Alison Bray)
Love in Ward Two (1979) (as by Vera Craig)
Nurse in the Glen (1979) (as by Donna Rix)
Hell Rider (1979) (as by Hank Madison)
Iron Rails (1979) (as by Bart Shane)
Nurse in the Clouds (1979) (as by Valerie Scott)
Hell on the Border (1979) (as by Harvey Lant)
Hair-Triggered (1979) (as by Lewis Brant)
Trials of a Nurse (1979) (as by Edna Murray)
Devil's Breed (1980) (as by Alvin Porter)
Duty Nurse (1980) (as by Irene Lynn)
Bloodthirsty Range (1980) (as by Lewis Brant)
Gun Wages (1980) (as by Burt Kroll)
Border Bandit (1980) (as by Norford Scott)
Railroad Marshal (1980) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Hell on the Range (1980) (as by Chuck Mason)
Lawless Range (1980) (as by Hank Madison)
Gun Boss (1980) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Rails West (1980) (as by Bart Shane)
Flaming Range (1981) (as by Burt Kroll)
Gunsmoke Marshal (1981) (as by Harvey Lant)
Hardcase Law (1981) (as by Neil Webb)
Killer Trail (1981) (as by Charles Roscoe)
The Rail Rogues (1981) (as by Glebe Morgan)
Sixgun Bait (1981) (as by Frank Shaul)
Gunsmoke and Rawhide (1981) (as by Alvin Porter)
Hard Range (1981) (as by Norford Scott)
Gun Thunder (1981) (as by Harvey Lant)
Gun Hatred (1981) (as by Neil Webb)
Gunman's Law (1981) (as by Chuck Mason)
Ambush Range (1981) (as by Burt Kroll)
Cowboy Law (1982) (as by Lewis Brant)
Hostile Hills (1982) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Range Justice (1982) (as by Alvin Porter)
Sixgun Showdown (1982) (as by Charles Roscoe)
Bullet Justice (1982) (as by Hank Madison)
Fight or Die (1982) (as by Burt Kroll)
Killer on the Range (1982) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Hard Law (1982) (as by Hank Madison)
Gun Wranglers (1982) (as by Norford Scott)
Crooked Trail (1982) (as by Chuck Mason)
Texas Ranger (1982) (as by Jack Bassett)
Tough Country (1982) (as by Rod Caley)
Railhead (1982) (as by Bart Shane)
Law Mender (1982) (as by Bart Segundo)
Troubled Law (1982) (as by Bart Segundo)
Lawless Gun (1983) (as by Lewis Brant)
Killing Trail (1983) (as by Alvin Porter)
Law of the Range (1983) (as by Hank Madison)
Trail to Hell (1983) (as by Will Travers)
Killer Marshal (1983) (as by Rod Caley)
Helicopter Nurse (1983) (as by Hazel Baxter)
Love Is a Doctor (1983) (as by Lorna Page)
One-way Trail (1983)
Nurse Hopeful (1983) (as by Freda Fenton)
Snake Breed (1983) (as by Burt Kroll)
Wild Country (1983) (as by Frank Shaul)
Fighting Men (1983) (as by Norford Scott)
Hanging Hill (1983)
Kingdom of Games (1983) (as by Charles Field)
Short Cut to Hell (1983) (as by Neil Webb)
Gunfight at Flintlock (1984) (as by Clinton Spurr)
Gunsmoke in the Air (1984) (as by Charles Field)
Shooting Trail (1984) (as by Jack Bassett)
Undercover Law (1984) (as by Chuck Mason)
Coyote Breed (1984) (as by Stuart McHugh)
Killer's Range (1984) (as by Oliver Bronson)
Violent Trail (1984)
Quicksilver Gun (1984) (as by Hank Madison)
The Troublemakers (1985) (as by Will Travers)
The Long Ride (2017) (as by Chuck Mason)
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