Robert Silverberg was born in New York City on 15 January 1935 to Michael and Helen Silverberg, an only child. He tends to keep his personal life to himself, but he has made allusions to being a lonely and bitter child who found a sort of release in science fiction and fantasy.
In 1949 he started a science fiction fanzine called Spaceship and made his first professional sale to Science Fiction Adventures, a non-fiction piece called Fanmag, in the December 1953 issue. His first professional fiction publication was Gorgon Planet in the February 1954 issue of the British magazine Nebula Science Fiction. His first novel, Revolt on Alpha C, was published in 1955.
In 1956 he graduated from Columbia University, having majored in Comparative Literature, and married Barbara Brown, an electronics engineer specializing in radar and optics (according to a dust-jacket bio). His literary background would surface eventually in his writing, but for a time, he seems to have kept the straight separate from the science fiction he wrote, as it was pure adventure stuff with little that would indicate interests beyond the typical science fiction of the day.
In 1949 he started a science fiction fanzine called Spaceship and made his first professional sale to Science Fiction Adventures, a non-fiction piece called Fanmag, in the December 1953 issue. His first professional fiction publication was Gorgon Planet in the February 1954 issue of the British magazine Nebula Science Fiction. His first novel, Revolt on Alpha C, was published in 1955.
In 1956 he graduated from Columbia University, having majored in Comparative Literature, and married Barbara Brown, an electronics engineer specializing in radar and optics (according to a dust-jacket bio). His literary background would surface eventually in his writing, but for a time, he seems to have kept the straight separate from the science fiction he wrote, as it was pure adventure stuff with little that would indicate interests beyond the typical science fiction of the day.
Awards: Nebula (2004), Hugo (1990) see all
Genres: Science Fiction, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery, Horror
Majipoor Cycle
1. Lord Valentine's Castle (1980)
2. Majipoor Chronicles (1982)
3. Valentine Pontifex (1983)
The Mountains of Majipoor (1995)
Tales of Majipoor (2013)
1. Lord Valentine's Castle (1980)
2. Majipoor Chronicles (1982)
3. Valentine Pontifex (1983)
The Mountains of Majipoor (1995)
Tales of Majipoor (2013)
Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg
1. Pluto in the Morning Light (1992)
2. Secret Sharers (1992)
3. Beyond the Safe Zone (1986)
4. The Road to Nightfall (1996)
5. Ringing the Changes (1992)
6. Lion Time in Timbuktoo (2000)
1. Pluto in the Morning Light (1992)
2. Secret Sharers (1992)
3. Beyond the Safe Zone (1986)
4. The Road to Nightfall (1996)
5. Ringing the Changes (1992)
6. Lion Time in Timbuktoo (2000)
Prestimion Trilogy
1. Sorcerers of Majipoor (1997)
2. Lord Prestimion (1999)
3. The King of Dreams (2001)
1. Sorcerers of Majipoor (1997)
2. Lord Prestimion (1999)
3. The King of Dreams (2001)
Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg (Subterranean Press)
1. To Be Continued (2006)
2. To the Dark Star (2007)
3. Something Wild Is Loose (2008)
4. Trips (2009)
5. The Palace At Midnight (2010)
6. Multiples (2011)
7. We Are for the Dark (2012)
8. Hot Times in Magma City (2013)
9. The Millennium Express (2014)
1. To Be Continued (2006)
2. To the Dark Star (2007)
3. Something Wild Is Loose (2008)
4. Trips (2009)
5. The Palace At Midnight (2010)
6. Multiples (2011)
7. We Are for the Dark (2012)
8. Hot Times in Magma City (2013)
9. The Millennium Express (2014)
Revolt on Alpha C (1955)
The 13th Immortal (1956)
Master of Life and Death (1957)
Aliens From Space (1958) (as by David Osborne)
Collision Course (1958)
Invaders from Earth (1958)
Invisible Barriers (1958) (as by David Osborne)
Lest We Forget Thee, Earth (1958) (as by Calvin M Knox)
The Silent Invaders (1958)
Starhaven (1958) (as by Ivar Jorgenson)
Stepsons of Terra (1958)
The Planet Killers (1959)
The Plot Against Earth (1959) (as by Calvin M Knox)
Starman's Quest (1959)
Lost Race of Mars (1960)
Planet of Death (1960)
Recalled to Life (1962)
The Seed of Earth (1962)
One of Our Asteroids is Missing (1964) (as by Calvin M Knox)
Time of the Great Freeze (1964)
Conquerors from the Darkness (1965)
We, the Marauders (1965)
The Gate of Worlds (1967)
Thorns (1967)
Those Who Watch (1967)
The Time Hoppers (1967)
To Open the Sky (1967)
Hawksbill Station (1968)
aka The Anvil of Time
The Masks of Time (1968)
aka Vornan-19
Across a Billion Years (1969)
The Man in the Maze (1969)
Nightwings (1969)
Three Survived (1969)
To Live Again (1969)
Up the Line (1969)
Downward to the Earth (1970)
Tower of Glass (1970)
The World Inside (1971)
A Time of Changes (1971)
Son of Man (1971)
The Second Trip (1972)
The Book of Skulls (1972)
Dying Inside (1972)
The Stochastic Man (1975)
Shadrach in the Furnace (1976)
The Desert of Stolen Dreams (1981)
Lord of Darkness (1983)
Gilgamesh the King (1984)
Tom O'Bedlam (1985)
Sailing to Byzantium (1985)
Star of Gypsies (1986)
Project Pendulum (1987)
The Secret Sharer (1988)
To the Land of the Living (1989)
Nightfall (1990) (with Isaac Asimov)
In Another Country (1990)
The Face of the Waters (1991)
Child of Time (1991) (with Isaac Asimov)
The Ugly Little Boy (1992) (with Isaac Asimov)
Kingdoms of the Wall (1992)
Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1992)
The Positronic Man (1992) (with Isaac Asimov)
Hot Sky at Midnight (1993)
The Realm of Prester John (1996)
Starborne (1996)
The Alien Years (1998)
Shadow on the Stars (2000)
Cronos (2001)
The Longest Way Home (2002)
Roma Eterna (2003)
Blood on the Mink (2012)
Beyond the Doors of Death (2013) (with Damien Broderick)
Killer (2022)
The Hot Beat (2022)
The 13th Immortal (1956)
Master of Life and Death (1957)
Aliens From Space (1958) (as by David Osborne)
Collision Course (1958)
Invaders from Earth (1958)
Invisible Barriers (1958) (as by David Osborne)
Lest We Forget Thee, Earth (1958) (as by Calvin M Knox)
The Silent Invaders (1958)
Starhaven (1958) (as by Ivar Jorgenson)
Stepsons of Terra (1958)
The Planet Killers (1959)
The Plot Against Earth (1959) (as by Calvin M Knox)
Starman's Quest (1959)
Lost Race of Mars (1960)
Planet of Death (1960)
Recalled to Life (1962)
The Seed of Earth (1962)
One of Our Asteroids is Missing (1964) (as by Calvin M Knox)
Time of the Great Freeze (1964)
Conquerors from the Darkness (1965)
We, the Marauders (1965)
The Gate of Worlds (1967)
Thorns (1967)
Those Who Watch (1967)
The Time Hoppers (1967)
To Open the Sky (1967)
Hawksbill Station (1968)
aka The Anvil of Time
The Masks of Time (1968)
aka Vornan-19
Across a Billion Years (1969)
The Man in the Maze (1969)
Nightwings (1969)
Three Survived (1969)
To Live Again (1969)
Up the Line (1969)
Downward to the Earth (1970)
Tower of Glass (1970)
The World Inside (1971)
A Time of Changes (1971)
Son of Man (1971)
The Second Trip (1972)
The Book of Skulls (1972)
Dying Inside (1972)
The Stochastic Man (1975)
Shadrach in the Furnace (1976)
The Desert of Stolen Dreams (1981)
Lord of Darkness (1983)
Gilgamesh the King (1984)
Tom O'Bedlam (1985)
Sailing to Byzantium (1985)
Star of Gypsies (1986)
Project Pendulum (1987)
The Secret Sharer (1988)
To the Land of the Living (1989)
Nightfall (1990) (with Isaac Asimov)
In Another Country (1990)
The Face of the Waters (1991)
Child of Time (1991) (with Isaac Asimov)
The Ugly Little Boy (1992) (with Isaac Asimov)
Kingdoms of the Wall (1992)
Thebes of the Hundred Gates (1992)
The Positronic Man (1992) (with Isaac Asimov)
Hot Sky at Midnight (1993)
The Realm of Prester John (1996)
Starborne (1996)
The Alien Years (1998)
Shadow on the Stars (2000)
Cronos (2001)
The Longest Way Home (2002)
Roma Eterna (2003)
Blood on the Mink (2012)
Beyond the Doors of Death (2013) (with Damien Broderick)
Killer (2022)
The Hot Beat (2022)
Next Stop the Stars (1962)
Godling, Go Home (1964)
To Worlds Beyond (1965)
Needle in a Timestack (1966)
The Calibrated Alligator (1969)
Dimension Thirteen (1969)
The Cube Root of Uncertainty (1970)
Parsecs and Parables (1970)
Moonferns and Starsongs (1971)
The Day the Sun Stood Still (1972) (with Poul Anderson and Gordon R Dickson)
The Reality Trip (1972)
Valley Beyond Time (1972)
Earth's Other Shadow (1973)
Unfamiliar Territory (1973)
Born with the Dead (1974)
Sundance (1974)
Sunrise on Mercury (1975)
The Feast of St. Dionysus (1975)
The Best of Robert Silverberg (1976)
The Shores of Tomorrow (1976)
Capricorn Games (1976)
Songs of Summer (1979)
World of a Thousand Colors (1982)
Space Odyssey (1983) (with Arthur C Clarke and Kurt Vonnegut Jr)
The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1984)
The Avram Davidson Treasury (1990) (with Avram Davidson and Grania Davis)
Beyond the Gate of Worlds (1991) (with John Brunner and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
In Another Country and Other Short Novels (2002)
Hawksbill Times Two (2002)
Phases of The Moon (2004)
In the Beginning (2006)
A Little Intelligence (2009) (with Randall Garrett)
Classic Science Fiction (2010)
Regan's Planet / Someone to Watch Over Me (2010) (with Floyd C Gold and H L Gold)
aka Musings and Meditations: Essays and Thoughts
Enter A Future (2010) (with others)
Dangerous Dimensions (2011)
Hunt the Space-Witch! (2011)
Science Fiction Gems, Volume Two (2011) (with others)
Around the Continuum (2012)
Beyond the Beyond (2012)
Cosmic Kill / Beyond the End of Space (2014) (with John W Campbell)
The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume XV (2016) (with others)
The Robert Silverberg Science Fiction MEGAPACK (2016)
Early Days (2016)
Traveler of Worlds (2016) (with Alvaro Zinos-Amaro)
17 Short Stories - Early Stories 1957 - 1959 (2017)
Robert Silverberg's Super-Science Fiction (2017)
First Person Singularities (2017)
Rough Trade (2017)
Time and Time Again (2018)
Alien Archives (2019)
Master of Life and Death and five more Stories (2020)
Voyagers (2021)
Exotic Adventures of Robert Silverberg (2021)
Woman's World and four more stories (2021)
Among Strangers (2022)
Voyage to Procyon and four more stories (2022)
Godling, Go Home (1964)
To Worlds Beyond (1965)
Needle in a Timestack (1966)
The Calibrated Alligator (1969)
Dimension Thirteen (1969)
The Cube Root of Uncertainty (1970)
Parsecs and Parables (1970)
Moonferns and Starsongs (1971)
The Day the Sun Stood Still (1972) (with Poul Anderson and Gordon R Dickson)
The Reality Trip (1972)
Valley Beyond Time (1972)
Earth's Other Shadow (1973)
Unfamiliar Territory (1973)
Born with the Dead (1974)
Sundance (1974)
Sunrise on Mercury (1975)
The Feast of St. Dionysus (1975)
The Best of Robert Silverberg (1976)
The Shores of Tomorrow (1976)
Capricorn Games (1976)
Songs of Summer (1979)
World of a Thousand Colors (1982)
Space Odyssey (1983) (with Arthur C Clarke and Kurt Vonnegut Jr)
The Conglomeroid Cocktail Party (1984)
The Avram Davidson Treasury (1990) (with Avram Davidson and Grania Davis)
Beyond the Gate of Worlds (1991) (with John Brunner and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro)
In Another Country and Other Short Novels (2002)
Hawksbill Times Two (2002)
Phases of The Moon (2004)
In the Beginning (2006)
A Little Intelligence (2009) (with Randall Garrett)
Classic Science Fiction (2010)
Regan's Planet / Someone to Watch Over Me (2010) (with Floyd C Gold and H L Gold)
aka Musings and Meditations: Essays and Thoughts
Enter A Future (2010) (with others)
Dangerous Dimensions (2011)
Hunt the Space-Witch! (2011)
Science Fiction Gems, Volume Two (2011) (with others)
Around the Continuum (2012)
Beyond the Beyond (2012)
Cosmic Kill / Beyond the End of Space (2014) (with John W Campbell)
The Golden Age of Science Fiction - Volume XV (2016) (with others)
The Robert Silverberg Science Fiction MEGAPACK (2016)
Early Days (2016)
Traveler of Worlds (2016) (with Alvaro Zinos-Amaro)
17 Short Stories - Early Stories 1957 - 1959 (2017)
Robert Silverberg's Super-Science Fiction (2017)
First Person Singularities (2017)
Rough Trade (2017)
Time and Time Again (2018)
Alien Archives (2019)
Master of Life and Death and five more Stories (2020)
Voyagers (2021)
Exotic Adventures of Robert Silverberg (2021)
Woman's World and four more stories (2021)
Among Strangers (2022)
Voyage to Procyon and four more stories (2022)
Novellas and Short Stories
Gorgon Planet (1954)
The Inquisitor (1956)
Lair of the Dragonbird (1956)
Prime Commandment (1957)
The Macauley Circuit (1957)
The Ultimate Weapon (1957)
The Iron Chancellor (1957)
Birds of a Feather (1958)
The Pain Peddlers (1963)
To See the Invisible Man (1963)
Passengers (1968)
Ishmael in Love (1970)
Caliban (1971)
Good News from the Vatican (1971)
In The Group (1973)
Schwartz Between the Galaxies (1974)
The Pope Of The Chimps (1982)
Multiples (Short Story) (1983)
Symbiont (1985)
Gilgamesh in the Outback (1986)
The Iron Star (1987)
The Dead Man's Eyes (1988)
House of Bones (1988)
Enter a Soldier. Later: Another (1989)
aka Enter A soldier, Later: Enter Another
Absolutely Inflexible (1998)
Hunter in the Forest (2001)
Seventh Shrine (2005)
The Judas Valley (2008) (with Gerald Vance (William P McGivern))
The Last Song of Orpheus (2010)
The Happy Unfortunate (2011)
The Hunted Heroes (2011)
Postmark Ganymede (2011)
The Emperor and the Maula (2017)
Hot Night, Alien in Tree (2023)
Six Frightened Men (2023)
The Rivals (2024)
The Unbeliever (2024)
Spacerogue (2024)
The Alien Dies at Dawn (2024) (with Randall Garrett)
The Inquisitor (1956)
Lair of the Dragonbird (1956)
Prime Commandment (1957)
The Macauley Circuit (1957)
The Ultimate Weapon (1957)
The Iron Chancellor (1957)
Birds of a Feather (1958)
The Pain Peddlers (1963)
To See the Invisible Man (1963)
Passengers (1968)
Ishmael in Love (1970)
Caliban (1971)
Good News from the Vatican (1971)
In The Group (1973)
Schwartz Between the Galaxies (1974)
The Pope Of The Chimps (1982)
Multiples (Short Story) (1983)
Symbiont (1985)
Gilgamesh in the Outback (1986)
The Iron Star (1987)
The Dead Man's Eyes (1988)
House of Bones (1988)
Enter a Soldier. Later: Another (1989)
aka Enter A soldier, Later: Enter Another
Absolutely Inflexible (1998)
Hunter in the Forest (2001)
Seventh Shrine (2005)
The Judas Valley (2008) (with Gerald Vance (William P McGivern))
The Last Song of Orpheus (2010)
The Happy Unfortunate (2011)
The Hunted Heroes (2011)
Postmark Ganymede (2011)
The Emperor and the Maula (2017)
Hot Night, Alien in Tree (2023)
Six Frightened Men (2023)
The Rivals (2024)
The Unbeliever (2024)
Spacerogue (2024)
The Alien Dies at Dawn (2024) (with Randall Garrett)
Anthologies edited
Earthmen and Strangers (1966)
Dark Stars (1969)
Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder (1969)
The Ends of Time (1970)
Great Short Novels of Science Fiction (1970)
Men and Machines (1970)
The Mirror of Infinity (1970)
Three for Tomorrow (1970)
Voyagers in Time (1970)
Worlds of Maybe (1970)
Tomorrow's Worlds (1971)
Mind to Mind (1971)
The Science Fiction Bestiary (1971)
Invaders from Space (1972)
Beyond Control (1972)
Three Trips in Time and Space (1973)
Chains of the Sea (1973)
Deep Space (1973)
Other Dimensions (1973)
Mutants! (1974)
Threads of Time (1974)
Infinite Jests (1974)
Explorers of Space (1975)
Strange Gifts (1975)
Epoch (1975) (with Roger Elwood)
The New Atlantis (1975)
Aliens (1976)
Trips in Time (1977)
Earth is the Strangest Planet (1977)
The Infinite Web (1977)
The Crystal Ship (1977)
Triax (1977)
Lost Worlds, Unknown Horizons (1978)
Dawn of Time (1979) (with Martin H Greenberg and Joseph Olander)
Edge of Space (1979)
The Androids Are Coming (1979)
Car Sinister (1979) (with Martin H Greenberg)
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction (1980) (with Martin H Greenberg)
A Century of Science Fiction 1950-1959 (1981) (with Martin H Greenberg)
The Science Fictional Dinosaur (1982) (with Martin H Greenberg and Charles G Waugh)
The Wildside Press Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces (1983) (with Martin H Greenberg)
aka The Arbor House Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces
The Time Travelers (1985) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Great Tales of Science Fiction (1986) (with Martin H Greenberg)
The Horror Hall of Fame (1987) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century (1987) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Worlds Imagined (1989) (with Martin H Greenberg)
A Century of Fantasy 1980-1989 (1990) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Universe 1 (1990) (with Karen Haber)
The Wildside Press Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels (1991) (with Martin H Greenberg)
aka The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels
Universe 2 (1992) (with Karen Haber)
Murasaki (1992) (with Poul Anderson and Martin H Greenberg)
Robert Silverberg's Many Trapdoors (1992)
Universe 3 (1994) (with Karen Haber)
Far Horizons (1999)
The Great Science Fiction 1964 (2001) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Legends II: Dragon, Sword, and King (2004)
Legends II: Shadows, Gods, and Demons (2004)
Great Fantasy (2004) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Tales from Super-Science Fiction (2012)
This Way to the End Times (2016)
Robert Silverberg's Monster and Things (2023) (with Stephen Jones)
Robots Through the Ages (2023) (with Bryan Thomas Schmidt)
Dark Stars (1969)
Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder (1969)
The Ends of Time (1970)
Great Short Novels of Science Fiction (1970)
Men and Machines (1970)
The Mirror of Infinity (1970)
Three for Tomorrow (1970)
Voyagers in Time (1970)
Worlds of Maybe (1970)
Tomorrow's Worlds (1971)
Mind to Mind (1971)
The Science Fiction Bestiary (1971)
Invaders from Space (1972)
Beyond Control (1972)
Three Trips in Time and Space (1973)
Chains of the Sea (1973)
Deep Space (1973)
Other Dimensions (1973)
Mutants! (1974)
Threads of Time (1974)
Infinite Jests (1974)
Explorers of Space (1975)
Strange Gifts (1975)
Epoch (1975) (with Roger Elwood)
The New Atlantis (1975)
Aliens (1976)
Trips in Time (1977)
Earth is the Strangest Planet (1977)
The Infinite Web (1977)
The Crystal Ship (1977)
Triax (1977)
Lost Worlds, Unknown Horizons (1978)
Dawn of Time (1979) (with Martin H Greenberg and Joseph Olander)
Edge of Space (1979)
The Androids Are Coming (1979)
Car Sinister (1979) (with Martin H Greenberg)
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction (1980) (with Martin H Greenberg)
A Century of Science Fiction 1950-1959 (1981) (with Martin H Greenberg)
The Science Fictional Dinosaur (1982) (with Martin H Greenberg and Charles G Waugh)
The Wildside Press Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces (1983) (with Martin H Greenberg)
aka The Arbor House Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces
The Time Travelers (1985) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Great Tales of Science Fiction (1986) (with Martin H Greenberg)
The Horror Hall of Fame (1987) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Great Science Fiction of the 20th Century (1987) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Worlds Imagined (1989) (with Martin H Greenberg)
A Century of Fantasy 1980-1989 (1990) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Universe 1 (1990) (with Karen Haber)
The Wildside Press Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels (1991) (with Martin H Greenberg)
aka The Arbor House Treasury of Great Science Fiction Short Novels
Universe 2 (1992) (with Karen Haber)
Murasaki (1992) (with Poul Anderson and Martin H Greenberg)
Robert Silverberg's Many Trapdoors (1992)
Universe 3 (1994) (with Karen Haber)
Far Horizons (1999)
The Great Science Fiction 1964 (2001) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Legends II: Dragon, Sword, and King (2004)
Legends II: Shadows, Gods, and Demons (2004)
Great Fantasy (2004) (with Martin H Greenberg)
Tales from Super-Science Fiction (2012)
This Way to the End Times (2016)
Robert Silverberg's Monster and Things (2023) (with Stephen Jones)
Robots Through the Ages (2023) (with Bryan Thomas Schmidt)
Anthology series
1. Alpha One (1970)
2. Alpha 2 (1971)
3. Alpha 3 (1972)
4. Alpha 4 (1973)
5. Alpha 5 (1974)
6. Alpha 6 (1976)
7. Alpha 7 (1977)
8. Alpha 8 (1977)
9. Alpha 9 (1978)
1. Alpha One (1970)
2. Alpha 2 (1971)
3. Alpha 3 (1972)
4. Alpha 4 (1973)
5. Alpha 5 (1974)
6. Alpha 6 (1976)
7. Alpha 7 (1977)
8. Alpha 8 (1977)
9. Alpha 9 (1978)
New Dimensions
1. New Dimensions 1 (1973)
2. New Dimensions 2 (1972)
3. New Dimensions 3 (1973)
4. New Dimensions 4 (1974)
5. New Dimensions 5 (1975)
6. New Dimensions 6 (1976)
7. New Dimensions 7 (1977)
8. New Dimensions 8 (1978)
The Best of New Dimensions (1979)
9. New Dimensions 9 (1979)
10. New Dimensions 10 (1980)
11. New Dimensions 11 (1980) (with Marta Randall)
12. New Dimensions 12 (1981) (with Marta Randall)
13. New Dimensions 13 (1982) (with Marta Randall)
1. New Dimensions 1 (1973)
2. New Dimensions 2 (1972)
3. New Dimensions 3 (1973)
4. New Dimensions 4 (1974)
5. New Dimensions 5 (1975)
6. New Dimensions 6 (1976)
7. New Dimensions 7 (1977)
8. New Dimensions 8 (1978)
The Best of New Dimensions (1979)
9. New Dimensions 9 (1979)
10. New Dimensions 10 (1980)
11. New Dimensions 11 (1980) (with Marta Randall)
12. New Dimensions 12 (1981) (with Marta Randall)
13. New Dimensions 13 (1982) (with Marta Randall)
Isaac Asimov's Wonderful Worlds of Science Fiction (with Isaac Asimov, Martin H Greenberg and Charles G Waugh)
6. Neanderthals (1987)
6. Neanderthals (1987)
Series contributed to
The Mammoth Book of ...
The Fantasy Hall of Fame (1998) (with Martin H Greenberg)
aka The Mammoth Book of Fantasy All-Time Greats
The Fantasy Hall of Fame (1998) (with Martin H Greenberg)
aka The Mammoth Book of Fantasy All-Time Greats
Science Fiction: The Best of
Science Fiction: The Best of 2001 (2002)
Science Fiction: The Best of 2002 (2003)
Science Fiction: The Best of 2001 (2002)
Science Fiction: The Best of 2002 (2003)
Fantasy: The Best of
Fantasy: The Best of 2001 (2002) (with Karen Haber)
Fantasy: The Best of 2002 (2003) (with Karen Haber)
Fantasy: The Best of 2001 (2002) (with Karen Haber)
Fantasy: The Best of 2002 (2003) (with Karen Haber)
Masters of Science Fiction
11. The Ace Years, Part One (2017)
12. The Ace Years, Part Two (2017)
13. The Ace Years, Part Three (2018)
11. The Ace Years, Part One (2017)
12. The Ace Years, Part Two (2017)
13. The Ace Years, Part Three (2018)
Non fiction show
Omnibus editions show
Books containing stories by Robert Silverberg

What If... Walls Could Talk (2025)
(William Joseph Roberts Presents, book 5)
edited by
William Joseph Roberts and Jenny E Wren
More books
Award nominations
Robert Silverberg recommends

The City and the Cygnets (2019)
Michael Bishop
"One of the great extrapolative achievements of science fiction."

Whalesong (2012)
Stoney Compton
"...a harsh and impressive portrait of telepathy and survival in the far north."
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